the art of being you

embrace your darkness, unleash your power, embody your vision

Embrace your whole being. Feel your true essence. Fall in love with yourself. Luxuriate in the experience of being alive. Cultivate the life you desire. Share your magic with the world.

“Our bodies are instruments, tuned to play a specific song. When we live as ourselves, we emanate our unique frequency, playing our song for the world to enjoy. When we live from fear and conditioning, our song is distorted, creating dis-harmony in our lives and dis-ease in the body. When we are fully expressed, our song not only regenerates us and brings us joy and meaning, it heals and inspires others to play their song. To be uniquely themselves.

-Sarah Belpedio

who am I?

I am an agent of radical transformation and awakening. People come into my life when they are ready to remember the depths of their power and purposefully offer it in service to the world. My work centers around radical self-love, acceptance, and nourishment. I leverage my embodied knowledge of human design to help people release conditioning and limiting beliefs at the cellular level and learn how to regenerate their life force energy to ground their dream world into form. I am passionate about supporting people in cultivating inner resources and self-knowledge to survive and thrive in our rapidly shifting world. My process empowers people to build the trust and resiliency that is necessary to surrender to their life’s purpose.